
Your Menopause Moment

Reducing Your Risk for Heart Disease After Menopause

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to your Menopause Moment!

I’m Dr. Christiane Northrup—the Original Menopause Doctor.

I unmedicalized menopause for generations of women. I’m here to help you break through the latest noise and change the conversation around “The Change.”

On today’s Menopause Moment I’m talking about what you can do to keep your heart healthy after menopause.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women over the age of 50. But heart disease actually begins in childhood!

Yep, it starts the minute we learn to start shutting down our hearts to avoid feeling disappointment and loss.

Wathc to learn what you NOW to start improving your heart health now – whether you are 20, 30 or 50 or older?

Flourishingly yours,

Share True North by Christiane Northrup, M.D.