I am thankful for the 3 children I birthed and raised. They were such a joy in my life. They came with a lot of learning. The five grandchildren were wonderful and I was able to be their first teacher in education. The political ideology we are suffering now separated my daughters from me years ago. I do not know where they are and they took my almost grown grandchildren with them to far away places (the coasts). I am blessed with a wonderful son that is amazing and has made his life separate for the last 10 years. He is my Asperger autistic child. I raised them all without so much as a greeting card from their father. Now I am 79 and they are in their 50's. A long road but they were such a light in my life for a long time. Now I have 3 dogs that are a great joy and I am their Mum. No support along the way from anyone. Now I see I was amazing.

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You certainly were AMAZING!!! Deep bow!!

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May 12·edited May 12

We are amazing Tacy!

Enjoy the day tomorrow.

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May 12Liked by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

That was so heartfelt, Dr. Christiane…I wasn’t able to have children but I’m one of my Mother’s 10 and your message made me put Motherhood in it’s proper perspective…the unseen work, starting at the time of conception…Thank you Mother…and to all the Mothers of the World. That message brought me tears of gratitude for being born. Thank you for sharing the true meaning of Mothers’ Day.

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May 12Liked by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

My whole family is spread out across the world which I wish wasn’t the case. These words you spoke touched my heart. I’ll be replaying this tomorrow, and I’ll be honoring the memory of my own Beautiful Mother, missing her still, even after all these years...

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May 12Liked by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Thank you! I just admire the way you so masterfully and beautifully put this and every episode together.

Happy Mother’s Day!

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May 12Liked by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Such a beautiful Mother’s Day message! I have two sons who I birthed as naturally as was possible in the hospital. I very much cherish my pregnancy and birthing experiences; however, I have never heard these experiences being honored and appreciated as much as you shared in your message. Happy Mothers Day and thank you for your wisdom and light!!! 🙏💖

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May 12Liked by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

I have no words for your beautiful message of Mother’s Day because it touched me so deeply I only have tears running down my face❣️

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I’m currently in Dubai and will be traveling onto Cyprus and can not help but smile and wish my mother was traveling with me. I miss her, she is back in the states. She still hugs me each night (I’m 55) as we say goodnight. Her hugs are missed and her kindness but I carry her in my being wherever I travel. Love to all of the incredible moms past, present and future

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I toasted my mother today at our Mother's Day brunch. Then we all celebrated her legacy on the family thread. For better or for worse, our mothers are ALWAYS with us!!

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I had wanted to have my own children as well as adopt children. The men I had chosen in the past were all terrified of children of course with unresolved traumas from childhood. Sexual, physical abuse. Never spoken of but known to me. I discovered with memory recall last May that my father may have sexually abused me. I remember one distinct memory that never left my mind when I was under 5 years young. Hence why I attracted those similarly wounded men. I love children more than anything. It has been a very painful journey not creating physical life from my body. I’m a visual artist/ teaching artist so that creation impulse is with me every second of every day. On my continua health journey I discovered at age 40 That I have a double genetic mutation-I do not produce any folic acid at all. That is critical in creating a child. Grateful for the wonderful doctor in NYC who discovered that. Maybe I was a mother to many children in past life’s or maybe I will be a mother in my next life. I love my own mother dearly and know she sacrificed a lot to bring me into the world. She was under a lot of stress. She actually was very sick when she delivered me and probably died during childbirth and came back to life. That is how I entered the world energetically. Her knowing and extreme power brought her and I through that portal. Grateful is not the word-language does not express in words that transcends experience for us both together 🦋🙏🏼🦋

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This is such a powerful, powerful story. Thank you so much for sharing this. I feel strongly that you have lifted a whole lot of energy for the collective. Thank you

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May 12Liked by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

thankyou for sharing, sending love and light to you! I wish you all the best, I can relate to your story. My mother and I had similiar experiences, I think it's because of the imprints in our energy field! Learned behaviors

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May 12·edited May 12Liked by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

You get to the heart of the matter each time. Thank you, Dr! Happy, glorious Mother's Day to you.

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Wow so supportive Christiane! I appreciate this!! Brings up a lot of emotion!! I had post partum depression!! And Oh how I tried to save my mother from her own pain! Just like you shared as an empath we read others emotions and a lot of times we forget our own!

Sharing this now after I read your book On Energy Vampires! So helpful yesterday... I'm making notes and will do the work!!

It's difficult to see some of the coping behavior's our children use to cope with life! I just want to protect them from it all! But I have to continue with my growth and healing and hopefully it will help them!

I would appreciate your prayers concerning this!!

My Momma was an amazing mother, she was born into a family of 17 children! She had a very chaotic childhood, but I felt her love most times!! Even at times when she couldn't be there for me in my teens because she was dealing with her own emotional pain when I needed her the most, I understood more as I did some of my own healing! She died at age 57 and when she knew she was leaving this earth she shared her unconditional love and she shared the words both my brother and I needed to hear to move on in life!!

I know now, at my age of 57 life doesn't have to be hard! Learned this from you Chistiane,

will continue to change and grow!


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This is so beautiful. 17 children. Almost unimaginable. And it is so true that we cannot control the coping mechanisms of our own children-- so many of whom have been ensnared by the Darkness that is currently all coming to the surface to be cleared. Finally

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May 12Liked by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Life is meant to be abundant joy and love🙏🏼

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wow I wasn't aware of that! :)

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Amen. 🙏. This year I have decided not to celebrate Mother's Day as every day is Mother's Day for us. 😀

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Just beautiful!! Thanks for the reminders! As I sit atop this rock at Reid and listen to your message, I am so grateful that my dream from childhood of becoming a mother came true. 3 times! Each birth & each child so different. Happy Mother's day friend 💚💜🩵🙏🌷

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I can picture you Meg-- on that magnificent beach and rock. And i honor your path.

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This made me cry💝

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And by the way, I get such strong maternal energy emanating from you, it’s wonderful.

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thanks for all your support over the years and continuing with this! - platform :)

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Wow, what a beautiful message! I did not know that it started during wartime! We are and always have been the ultimate protectors! I am just beginning to appreciate what my body accomplished during my pregnancies, I was even blessed with twins! I have begun to appreciate my body so much more as I enter my 60's. I just did not get it back then :} but, thanks to you, I sure as heck do now! Thank you for all of your wisdom. Happy Mother's Day to all moms!

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